#Shaloha by @therealogkushstory at @_j_o_s_h_d
Lineage – marathon Og Cut
Bred by: Joshua D@_j_o_s_h_d
Terpene profile: Unknown
Club: Astor Club NYC @astorclubnyc @theastorclubnyc
Shaloha OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Shaloha OG bred by legendary innovator @_j_o_s_h_d x@therealogkushstory. Original OG from the pioneer cultivator of Og Kush. It is dense, slightly sticky and bulky. The flower is still beautiful, but I do notice some foliage. Colors on the buds include mandarin orange pistils and parsley hues.
leaves are acorn squash colors. It smells like fuel, earthy pinene and musky. It reminds me of Central Park. Especially now that there is so much
gas in the air. For the wake-and-bake, these effects can be lethal at a high cerebral level. It is heavy smoke from a chest lock. It has a soil flavor, fuel taste, and a herbal smoked flavour. The menthol-caryophyllene aftertaste was pleasantly spicy. The ashes are 50/50 and the fuel is bitter, but smooth when inhaled. The buzz started around 4 pulls, and lasted for 3 hours. It is possible to experience a heady high for up to 1.5 hours, which then transforms into a body high. Shaloha is a good blend of effects, aroma and taste. It brought me back to my good old OG Kush days. Please let @_j_o_s_h_d that this is one to keep with this beautiful cultivar. Shaloha – 4.9/ 5
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The article Cultivar review: Shaloha OG, by Josh D first appeared on the Highest Critic.